3 minutes | Thursday, 13 April 2023
Dave caught up with Linda ahead of Joy in the Park 2023, which is a family-friendly event happening in Fitzgerald’s Park on Sunday July 23rd.
It’s an event in memory of Joy a family member of Linda’s.
The aim of the event is to raise awareness of the importance of looking after your mental health, while also connecting with others, and finding Joy.
It’s also trying to destigmatize talking to others if you’re struggling. There will be several mental health services at the event including Pieta House, Jigsaw, and the Samaritans. As well as music from the likes of Frank and Walters, Karen Underwood, Aoife Scott, Pontious Pilate and the Naildrivers, and the Circus Factory. Several workshops will also be at the event.
Supported by Cork’s Red FM and the Cork Mental Health Foundation.
And it’s Free!!!
For more information visit: https://joyinthepark.com/