60 minutes | Wednesday, 18 September 2019
This week on the podcast: a love letter to Cork DIY collective Teletext Records, featuring music from their roster of collaborators, and previous headliners at their monthly gigs. This is the Leeside Tapes, volume 7.
01. Rokaia - Leaders
02. Gadget and the Cloud - Quiescence
03. Messyng - Grand Rapids
04. JJ Lee - Thursday
05. FONDA - Dreaming
06. Elaine Malone - My Baby's Dead
07. Pretty Happy - The Lover
08. Deadbog - Vending Machine
09. Bokotono - You're Looking a Little Rough Around the Edges
10. Gilbert - The Witch
11. SELKIES - Clubbing Baby Seals
12. Aponym - Berserker (Live)
13. Fomorian Vein - Unrest