1 hour 3 minutes | Wednesday, 3 July 2019
This week on the podcast, we’re taking a look at gigs happening in venues around Cork throughout the month of July. Plus, tunes from Elaine Malone, Gadget and the Cloud, Syn, and more!
01. The Grunts - Heal Your Heart
02. Luunah - Let Me In
03. Syn - Terra Drums
04. Flowers at Night - Fade My Jewels
05. Mide Houlihan - A Long and Awkward Day
06. Lowlek - Sink In
07. Bokotono - You’re Looking a Little Rough Around the Edges
08. Aponym - Grandstander (Live at Fred Zeppelin's)
09. Ordnance Survey - Goya (feat. John McEntire)
10. Mark Waldron-Hyden - Hope
11. Elaine Malone - My Baby’s Dead
12. Clare Sands - Join Me at the Table
13. Gadget and the Cloud - Quiescence