Killarney Cycling Festival
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Phone Number: 0646671533
Gleneagle Hotel, Muckross Road, Killarney , Co. Kerry
Our aim is to promote the sport of cycling and the beautiful scenic Ring of Kerry as you’ve never seen it before. So if you have been bitten by the Ring of Kerry bug then add cycling it The Wrong Way Round to your “bike-it” list!
We are welcoming cycling enthusiasts from all over Ireland on Saturday, August 29 to Killarney for the Wrong Way Round Killarney Cycling Festival where they will take on the infamous Ring of Kerry but in the opposite direction to the traditional anti-clockwise route.
Take on the part of The Wild Atlantic Way route and breathe in the breathtaking landscape from Molls Gap to Sneem, Waterville, Cahersiveen, Glenbeigh and Killorglin and onto the homeward stretch through Beaufort and onto Killarney.