Appointment cancellations at Mercy University Hospital

MUH are asking all patients with a scheduled appointment from Tuesday May 18th to Friday May 21st to make contact with the relevant department

Mercy University Hospital (MUH) has asked all patients with a scheduled appointment from Tuesday May 18th to Friday May 21st to make contact with the hospital due to the cyber-attack on the HSE computer systems.

Patients with appointments for this week should contact the hospital on the following dedicated phone numbers.

·       Outpatient department - Central Appointment 021- 4935657

·       Inpatient/Day cases      - 021-4935225   / 021-4935308

·       Radiology Department  - 021 4935275 / 021-4935277

The following services are now cancelled for the remainder of this week: 

·       x-ray appointments – unless you have been contacted to attend 

·       processing of GP bloods – only emergency bloods will be processed 


The hospital wishes to thank the public for their cooperation.

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