Businesses and homeowners in the city urged to erect flood barriers ahead of flooding event on Wednesday morning

Businesses and homeowners in the city are being urged to prepare themselves for a severe flooding event early tomorrow morning.

However Cork City Council say flood waters will not have  the same longevity as those witnessed in October as it will be a short sharp event due to the direction of the wind, which will see high tide will recede quickly.

A status Orange warning is in place here in Cork from  9pm tonight until 9am tomorrow morning. 

Met Eireann also say gale force winds will gust up to 110km/h and higher in exposed areas. 

Speaking to RedFM News Director of Services at Cork City Council David Joyce says they are closely monitoring the situation:

The local authority says the event tomorrow morning will have been dealt with by 9am, and anyone planning to visit the City tomorrow should do so. 

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