Cork Senator calling for updated legislation to be introduced to tackle abandoned ships in Irish waters

Senator Tim Lombard was speaking in the Seanad this morning, over a year after the MV Alta washed up on rocks in Ballycotton

The ship has reportedly begun to break up, there was also a large fire on board recently and people have posted videos of themselves exploring the vessel to social media... 

Land owners in the area have also said they fear legal action if someone hurts themselves on their land while trying to view the wreck.

Speaking to RedFM News, Senator Tim Lombard says local authorities need clearer laws and funding so ships like the MV Alta can be removed quickly: 

"I described to today to having cars abandoned on our roadside and nothing being done about it. And this is how I believe this issue is induction marine environment itself, it's literally like sea littering. We need to make sure that we empower local authorities, change our legislation to ensure we can do something about this huge issue."

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