Delays continue at CUH

There will be no radiotherapy treatment in CUH today or tomorrow

The ongoing cyber-attack on the HSE’s IT system has resulted in considerable delays at Cork University Hospital (CUH) Emergency Department and on the hospitals ability to deliver normal outpatient services.

 As a result, management at the CUH wish to advise the public that the following will apply for today (17th) and tomorrow (18th):

 Radiotherapy Treatment:

 There will be no radiotherapy treatment in CUH today - Monday 17th nor tomorrow - Tuesday 18th May. 

 An information line for patients attending the radiotherapy services in CUH has been set up and can be contacted on:

 021- 4234774, 021-4234775, 021-4234776 or 021-4234777

  Additional Service Curtailments at CUH:

  •    Patients with an OPD appointment, Chemotherapy appointment, surgery appointment, should come to the hospital unless you are contacted to cancel
  • Patients with X-ray appointments should not attend unless contacted 

Finally, management wishes to remind the public that people should only attend the ED in emergency situations and that delays are likely as a result of the current IT situation.

The hospital will advise if there is any change to the current status.

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