HSE issues warning after emergence of new designer drug in Cork

The HSE has issued a public health warning to people who use illicit drugs in the city.

Concern has been raised about the emergence of a white powder in Cork called U-47700, it's better known by its street names U-4 or pinky. 

It may be sold as cocaine.
The HSE have urged people not to take this drug or any illicit drugs as their contents is unknown and may contain lead to serious medical and psychological side effects
U-4 has been linked to a number of fatalities in the US and Europe and the HSE says if people insist taking this drug or any illicit drug they should never mix it with alcohol or any other drugs, take a smaller amount of the substance and always have a friend with you who can call the emergency services if you get into difficult.
It comes as gardaí say they're awaiting the results of toxicology tests to establish the cause of death of a 16-year-old boy who was found dead by his mother at his home at Deermount in Deerpark.

An post-mortem was carried out yesterday on the body of Michael Cornacchia but gardaí say it could be weeks before the results of toxicology tests are available to confirm cause of death.

Meanwhile Cllr Mick Finn who knew Michael and his family well, has described his death as every parents' worst nightmare:

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