Man to appear in court after walking through Glanmire with loaded rifle

The man (27) was arrested after he crashed a stolen jeep on Spring Hill in Glanmire at around 5pm on Wednesday afternoon.

A 27-year-old man arrested with a loaded rifle by gardai on the outskirts of the city on Wednesday afternoon is due to appear in court today on firearm and related charges.

The Mayfield man was arrested after he crashed a stolen jeep on Spring Hill in Glanmire at around 5pm on Wednesday afternoon.

Two officers who attended the scene of the crash saw a young man leaving the scene armed with a rifle and managed to disarm him and confiscated the loaded rifle.

Gardai established the man, who was high on some intoxicant, had stolen the Pajero jeep in Tipperary which had a rifle in the back.

He then drove back to Glanmire where he pulled into Grandon's Garage and filled up the jeep with diesel before attempting to drive off without paying.

In the process he crashed into a fuel pump causing several thousand euros worth of damage before crashing the vehicle for a final time on Spring Hill in Glanmire.

He’ll appear before a special sitting of Cork District Court later today.

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