New all hours mental health text service launched

A new all-hours text support service is being launched to help anyone going through a mental health or emotional crisis.

50808 will provide immediate support to those going through a breakup, bullying, depression or suicidal feelings.

People can start a conversation with crisis volunteers by texting "TALK" to 50808.

Ian Power, CEO of, says the system is designed to address more serious calls first.

"It looks for those key words that may indicate that a tester is at a higher risk than others, and it stack ranks those texters to the top of the queue.

"It sorts out the queue, and it sorts it by severity over chronology.

"What's really important to is is that we get to every tester within five minutes, that's what we aim for. 

"But for those texters who might be at more imminent or a higher risk, we aim to get to those texters within a minute."

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