Opposition to water charges continue Leeside

It comes as some Glanmire residents burned their bills.

Opposition to water charges shows no signs of abating Leeside.

It comes after more than seventy Glanmire residents assembled outside Glanmire Credit Union last night to bin their water bills.

The binned bills will be brought to the 'We Won't Pay' campaign's Burn the Bills rally in the city centre this Saturday where they will be burned along with thousands of other bills.

Meanwhile a protest is continuing in a Fair Hill housing estate on the Northside of the city where water meters are due to be installed this week.

Willow Bank residents say they have put a rota system in place to ensure that the entrance is being watched at all times so they can block acess to Irish water should they attempt to gain entry.

Speaking to RedFM News these Willow Bank residents say they've had enough and they won't allow water meters in their estate.

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