Parents of Blackpool hit&run victim appeal for driver to come forward

The family of a young boy who was struck by a car which failed to stop in Blackpool have pleaded for the driver to come forward Zabar Harna and Felicia Covaci made the appeal as their 11-year-old son was discharged from the Mercy University Hospital over the weekend. The boy, a member of the Roma Community,  suffered serious injuries after he was struck by a car that failed to stop as he was crossing Thomas Davis Street in Blackpool last Wednesday night. Pardilian was treated for multiple injuries including a dislocated kneecap and a number of cuts and bruises. Gardaí recovered a wing mirror from the scene and on Friday found the vehicle involved in the Shandon area, a silver BMW with yellow number plates. AUDIO: Bill Dunlea Chairman of the Blackpool Community Centre told the Neil Prendeville show that speed ramps need to be installed in the village in an affort to get motorists to slow down. Click the PLAY button above to hear.

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