Speculation continues to mount about the Events Centre construction start date

It's emerged that it will be nearly the end of January before final designs on the highly anticipated Events Centre are finished.

It follows concerns by traders in the city in recent weeks about a lack of progress on the €53 million facility after a sod turning ceremony almost nine months ago.

The 6,000 seat venue was due to be completed by December 2017 however it emerged last night that developers have been given until January 31st to finalise all elements of the project. 

The Irish Examiner reports that the Council chief executive moved allay fears about the stalling of the development after the January 31st deadline was revealed. 

It follows recent concerns by traders in the city about the lack of activity on the former Beamish and Crawford site and calls for clarification on the timeline for the construction of the Events Centre.

Meanwhile although demolition works officially started on the site last month it's understood an archaeological dig has to take place which has also sparked fears that construction could be delayed even further.

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