West Cork Man Who Died While Base Jumping Off Cliffs Of Moher Named

A West Cork man who died following an incident while base jumping from the Cliffs of Moher on Saturday has been named

45-year-old Malcolm Rowley, a construction worker from Bantry, lost his life while attempting a 700-foot jump off the cliffs.

Base jumping is an extreme sport where people jump from large heights before deploying a parachute or using a wingsuit to land safely.

It is thought that Mr. Rowley's parachute snagged or malfunctioned and didn't deploy in time to make a safe landing.

There were two other men with Rowley at the cliffs, one had already made a safe landing and the other waiting at the top for his jump.

Gardaí have launched an investigation and a file will be prepared for the county coroner.

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