An Interview with Rowdy Roddy Piper

Wrestling legend Rowdy Roddy Piper will be in Cork this weekend. The WWE Hall of Famer will be in Cyprus Avenue on Saturday night for An Audience with Roddy Piper, where fans can meet the Hot Rod, and ask him questions about his incredible career. We had a chance to speak to him ahead of his Cork show - click PLAY above to hear our 20 minute chat about everything from They Live, playing football with Pele, wrestling alligators, Ronda Rousey using the "Rowdy" nickname, coming to Cork and much much more. And for a glimpse of Piper in his prime, here he is fighting the legendary Mr Perfect in 1991 A good few minutes of the interview were spent talking about John Carpenter's They Live, in which Piper starred. It's an absolute classic and if you haven't seen it, watch it. Wait for the 5 and a half minute fight scene between Piper and Keith David. It's genius.

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