Mary St. Leger – Art For The Heart
Dave Mac's Local Legend
Thursday, 29 June 2023 - 4 minutes
As part of the Creative Lives series Mary spoke about Doneraile Art Festival, which is one of the main events organised by Art For The Heart.
It’s a 4 day festival with arts and crafts workshops, all the materials will be provided.
Participants were given the opportunity to make the súgán Stool, have a go at weaving and creating pictures.
Art For The Heart have other events including a paint and a pint evening which happens on the last Saturday of every month.
Breda Forrest spoke with Mary about Art For The Heart.
Listen to the Creative Lives podcasts now at: Creative Lives Project | Red FM
To participate in any of the workshops at Doneraile Art Festival visit: Doneraile Art FesT