The Life Hustle - Episode 15 - Breaking Mental Health Stigma

The Life Hustle

Tuesday, 17 September 2019 - 48 minutes

Emer sits down with Daniel O'Mahony from forward thinking social enterprise, 'Da Silly Heads' in a very open and honest podcast about mental health, breaking stigmas, his journey of self discovery building an arsenal to cope with his own mental health challenges and how Da Silly Heads, the movement he has set up with his friend Michael with support from The Rubicon at CIT, is sparking a movement of advocacy to help create environments of understanding and empathy and a stigma free society to allow ambition, productivity and creativity to flourish. Encouraging a non judgmental dialogue around mental health through their advocacy apparel, impact driven events and clever social media cartoon characters, Da Silly Heads is a breath of fresh air doing inspiring work on the ground and online for mental health to build a more empathetic community.

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