It Looks Like Dean Strang Won't Be The Only Individual From Making A Murderer Appearing In Cork!

The Conversation With Dean Strang in Cork has just got a whole lot more interesting!

Yesterday we told you the exciting news that Steven Avery's attorney from the Netflix docu-series Making A Murderer will be coming to Cork in September for a discussion about the American justice system and the case of Steven Avery, a man who once was wrongfully accused of sexual assault and released but a few years later was convicted for the murder of photographer Teresa Halbach, a crime for which he is currently in prison.

A Conversation With Dean Strang is set to take place on Thursday 22nd September in Cork Opera House.

However this morning it has been announced that not only will we get Dean Strang, we will also get his partner in crime (pardon the pun) Jerry Buting too!

The pair of lawyers were hellbent on the innocence of Steven Avery in the documentary and it was clear they had a passion for true justice. Their commitment to the case made them the heroes of the series.

Tickets will be on sale on March 31st at 9am from Opera House Box Office.

See you at the front!

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