Omniplex discussing the possibility of offering vaccine-only screenings if some restrictions are lifted

One of Ireland's biggest cinema chains could begin offering vaccine-only screenings to their customers.

Omniplex has 33 branches in Ireland including one in Cork. Mark Anderson, Omniplex Cinemas Director said they began planning socially distant cinema experiences last year when they reopened under phase 3 of the government's roadmap, in a statement last year.


There is a possibility of offering screenings for those who have received the Covid-19 vaccines. Anderson says ''It could be a good move for business, aswell as a boost for those that have been vaccinated. With a business that could increase four-fold, that is something worth considering''


Mr. Anderson says a separate screening '' without customers needing to stay 2 metres apart'' could be put on for those who can prove they've been vaccinated.

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