Viewers have fallen in love with last night's First Dates Ireland couple Mary and Johnny

Mary and Johnny have captured the hearts of the nation after their date.

Mary, 74 wanted to go on First Dates to find a spark and she told Mateo she hasn't been on a date since her late husband who passed away 4 years ago. Mary said "It's very lonely. I feel a bit guilty even coming here today! I feel I'm letting him down." Johnny, 76 arrived with a bouquet for his date. Johnny revealed that his wife had also passed away 10 years ago and suffered from alcoholism.

Mary surprised Johnny as well as the nation with her story about smoking cannabis in Amsterdam, and to the camera, she talked about a trip to a sex shop where she browsed the vibrators.

The date went well and Mary wrote down her phone number at the table and promised to talk to him on the phone. Since the first date the couple have kept in contact, and we saw a lovely photo of them having lunch in Cashel for their second date.

The couple immediately won over viewers, with their stories and their incredible personalities and of course senses of humour.

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