WATCH: Chris Martin In Carpool Karaoke

This is brilliant!

Coldplay are set to play the massive half-time show at the Superbowl this weekend in San Jose and Chris Martin is obviously stuck for a lift!

James Corden took it upon himself to give Chris a lift to San Francisco to make it in time for his performance and while they were at it, they decided to play some carpool karaoke.

The pair sing Coldplay classics such as Adventure Of A Lifetime, Yellow, Viva La Vida, Paradise and Us Against The World.

They discuss their alternative American Football rules in preparation for Sunday as well as picking up a few San Francisco 49ers hats along their travels.

Chris tells us his inspirations and also does impressive impressions of Bruce Springsteen and Mick Jagger. The Coldplay lead man also whips out a tiny keyboard to play some David Bowie.

James and Chris stop at a lemonade stand at the side of the road for a break before stopping off for the night in a motel where things get cosy!

They wake up the next morning and the car has been stolen, so they have to come up with a plan b...we won't give you any more spoilers!


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